You can save money on air conditioning with these tips from Steve Schmidt, President of Frederick Air. We all want to stay comfortable when it gets hot outside but we don’t want our utility bills to skyrocket because of it. This advice will keep you feeling good all summer.
Tips to Save on Air Conditioning Costs
- Make sure your filter is clean. If your filter is dirty, your system has to work harder to maintain a comfortable temperature. Check whether your filter should be changed (or cleaned) every month, 3-6 months, or even a year for some of the new systems. Mark the dates off on your calendar and be sure to change that filter on time.
- Keep your fan running continuously. Your fan works to circulate the air in your home. By keeping it running continuously, you’ll feel the comfort throughout your home. You can actually increase the temperature in your home by 1-2 degrees while keeping the fan running continuously and feel more comfortable.
- Tweak your temperature setting according to your routines. We know that hot air rises and that by turning the thermostat up a degree or two, we can save a lot of money on our energy bills. Use this information to your advantage and turn the temperature up when you won’t be upstairs for a few hours. Then turn it back down when you’ll be going to bed at night.
- Get your system professionally maintained. Spring is the perfect season to get your HVAC system maintained so that it’s ready to work in the summer heat. You can schedule your maintenance online right now by clicking here.
Want more tips? Here are 3 Ways to Save on Energy at Home.
Summer can be hard on your HVAC unit. By making sure that the air filter is kept clean and your system is professionally maintained, you’ll be taking good care of your system. That means it’s less likely to break down when you really need it.
Ready to schedule your next maintenance visit? Give us a call at 301-663-0300.